As a visual artist, I investigate how we, as humans, deal with the grand societal challenges that go beyond the individual and affect humanity as a whole. I am fascinated by the underlying human nature, our innate drive for progress and growth, and our reliance on our ingenuity to innovate our way out of these challenges with technically engineered solutions.
I shed my light on the role of technology and innovation, but I also examine its darker aspects. I analyse the impact of technological advancements on us as individuals and our built environment, and question how we can still relate to an increasingly industrialized and technological world.
I studied Conceptual Photography at Fotoacademie in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and graduated in December 2023 with our graduation expo MMNT in Amsterdam. I exhibited at Rotterdam Photofestival in July 2022 and was selected as a GUP New Dutch Photography Talent in 2022.